European Union Reference Laboratory for

During two half days, the beautiful city of Warsaw welcomed the participants of the annual meeting organized by the EURL for rabies on 15 and 16 June 2022. This year’s edition was marked by the absolute pleasure of meeting back again and was home to very constructive exchanges on various rabies topics, as well as future collaborative works and exchanges. Additionally to the representative of the European Commission, Thierry Chalus, and representatives from the World Organisation for Animal Health, (WOAH) (previously known as “OIE”) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the EURL team was pleased to welcome Laurent Dacheux from the Pasteur institute of Paris. Presentations showcased during the workshop can be found on the EURL website via this link (for network members only). On a final note, The EURL team would like to warmly thank all the participants as well as all the individuals who contributed in way or another to the organization of this wonderful moment.
See you next year for the 14th edition of the workshop for rabies.